A more sustainable world is the engine of our development


« To bring to  people, innovative natural solutions extracted from microalgae, in the field of health and nutrition, without impacting biodiversity, for the benefit of Humans and the Planet. »


Sustainability Strategy

Strategic objectives:

  • Reduce our GHG emissions in line with the Paris Agreements.
  • Strengthen eco-design and circularity in our industrial processes.
  • Contribute to a fair, supportive and inclusive ecological transition
  • Strengthen the commitment of our teams to social, societal and environmental impact and ensure the well-being of our employees


Fermentalg has defined strategic objectives in line with its purpose, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreements limiting the temperature increase to 2°C in 2030 by applying the Science Based Target (SBTi) framework



Certification Gold Ecovadis

Fermentalg is very proud to be one of the 5% of companies most committed to CSR.

Fermentalg was awarded a gold medal for its CSR performance!

We are working every day to meet the growing CSR needs of our international customers.

A big thank you to all our teams for their unwavering commitment to reducing our impact and driving forward our eco-design projects, as well as proposing and leading our social actions.

Algae in Action with 7 SDGs

The UN Sustainable Development Goals represent a unique opportunity to build a better, more inclusive and sustainable world. They constitute a universal language and a framework for action that allows all actors, including companies, to act for the common good.
Fermentalg has set up an Ambassadors program refocused around the 7 SDGs with volunteer employees on the themes of Good Health and Well-Being, Clean Water, Responsible Production and Aquatic Life to coordinate our concrete actions and progressively build evidence of our commitment.


We have integrated a decarbonisation platform  to  mesure,report and reduce our carbon emission and optimise our ESG performance.
1. Collection and calculation of emissions through integrations and predictive algorithms
2. Automated and centralized reporting for key ESG reporting standards and future taxonomy (CSRD)
3.Action plan to accelerate our decarbonization journey.